Rasna Glucose-d (500g+165g Extra=665g) 33% Extra Energy Boost Complex


Brand: RASNA
Expires on or After: 14/03/2022

Rasna Glucose D is enriched with Calcium and Vitamin D for quickly restoring minerals and essential vitamins in the body. Glucose D is best to drink during the summer for kicking instant energy in the body after getting exhausted all day in the scorching heat. Rasna Glucose D 33% Extra Energy Boost Complex supplies all the required minerals and nutrients needed by the body during the hot summer days. In addition, Glucose D is the best source of energy drink for instantly treating dehydration.


Glucose D helps refresh the mind and body and fights tiredness.
Helps maintain normal body temperature throughout the day in summer.
It helps provide the body with the energy needed post-workout.
This contains sucrose and glucose that are required for a healthy body.


Dextrose Monohydrate
Vitamin D
Calcium Phosphates


This contains vital minerals, vitamins and body salts that are needed and is effective in curing dehydration.
Glucose D contains Vitamin D that helps in bone growth and aids Vitamin D deficiency in the body.
It is enriched with nutrients that help in making the body fit and strong.
It also helps in relieving indigestion, heartburn and an upset stomach.

How to Use:

Take one glass of cold water and mix two tbsp of Rasna Glucose D powder.Â
Stir well and drink up.

Safety Information:

Keep it in a dry and cool place away from strong odour and direct sunlight.
Keep away from the reach of children.


Q1. Is Rasna Glucose D safe to consume before driving?

Ans. Yes, it is 100% safe to consume before driving.

Q2. Is Glucose D safe for children?

Ans. Yes, it is  100% safe for children. It contains essential minerals and vitamins that provide instant energy to the body and it also helps promote healthy growth.

Q3. What are the main components of Glucose D?

Ans. Glucose D components are Dextrose Monohydrate, Vitamin D and Calcium.

Q4. Is this safe for a diabetic patient?

Ans. Glucose D contains sucrose and glucose, which is sweet. Therefore, diabetic patients must consult the doctor before consuming Rasna Glucose D.


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